Gwyn Brookes ~ Resume


Hey! Get that cursor off me! :)

Here you will find all the technical stuff, applications, tools and systems used, links to detailed information about projects worked and a couple of (visible) sites I have designed and developed.

If you're interested in making me a job offer - contact me using the link below. 

I look forward to your mail!

an angel inside and out! :)


Web Developer; Technical Writer; Course Developer; Trainer

Qualifications Summary

12 years of experience in the computing industry writing, designing, programming and producing; Computer Based Training, courseware, technical guides and manuals, intranet  and internet web sites. One year of stand-up training delivery.

Technical Skills

Writing and Development Skills: Web/Intranet Pages, PERL/CGI Scripting, Self Paced Instruction (SPI), User Guides/Manuals, Quick Reference Guides, Technical/Installation Guides, Computer Based Training, Workshop/Lecture Lab Courseware and Delivery.

Operating Systems Used: UNIX, MS DOS, VAX/VMS (Digital), Solaris, CDE (Sun Microsystems), MS Windows (3.xx, Workgroups, NT, 95/98)

Applications: HTML, DHTML, CSS, PERL, JAVA/Javascript, FrontPage, AOLpress, HotMetal, Photoshop, ImageReady, Fractal Design Painter5, TENcore Producer/LAS, REGIS, CorelDRAW (and suite), FrameMaker, APPLIX, VAX Document, WordPerfect, MS Word/Office 2000 Suite Tools, AmiPro, PSP, 'C' Programming, MS Project, GUI Interface tools (FMS), Datatrieve, Paradox, Paraview, Lotus Notes, Lotus 123, Freelance Graphics,  Screen Cam, Word Pro and others

Links to Detailed Working History

Web sites you CAN view: