Technical Skills
Writing and Development Skills: Web/Intranet Pages, PERL/CGI
Scripting, Self Paced Instruction (SPI), User Guides/Manuals, Quick Reference
Guides, Technical/Installation Guides, Computer Based Training, Workshop/Lecture
Lab Courseware and Delivery.
Operating Systems Used: UNIX, MS DOS, VAX/VMS (Digital), Solaris,
CDE (Sun Microsystems), MS Windows (3.xx, Workgroups, NT, 95/98)
Applications: HTML, DHTML, CSS, PERL, JAVA/Javascript, FrontPage,
AOLpress, HotMetal, Photoshop, ImageReady, Fractal Design Painter5, TENcore
Producer/LAS, REGIS, CorelDRAW (and suite), FrameMaker, APPLIX, VAX Document,
WordPerfect, MS Word/Office 2000 Suite Tools, AmiPro, PSP, 'C' Programming,
MS Project, GUI Interface tools (FMS), Datatrieve, Paradox, Paraview, Lotus
Notes, Lotus 123, Freelance Graphics, Screen Cam, Word Pro and others |